A good night's rest felt wonderful after the early start yesterday. After loading up on the bus at 9:30, we shared encouraging stories from the night before.
Bus ride activities today incuded chatting with neighbors, discussing logistics, and quietly rehearsing our music. Having children along on tour can be challenging, but can also provide really sweet moments such as little Grant heartily singing "Freedom Come". Future choir member in the making!
The highlight of the day was singing at the Indianapolis Women's Prison. Armed with only music folders and personal ID (no pictures or videos here), we made our way through security and toward a beautiful chapel situated on a grassy hill in the center of the facility. The lack of air conditioning did not stop our audience from snapping, clapping, toe tapping, head bobbing participation, the occasional shout, and uproarious applause. There is something powerful and sacred about singing "Inside these walls, Freedom come..." in a place like this. We ended the program with an impromptu rendition of Amazing Grace. There we were, believers in very different places in life, yet raising our hands and praising God together. As we sang, "who saved a wretch like me... I once was lost, but now am free", I was reminded that we are all equal at the foot of the cross.

I am just as much in need of saving as the worst sinner, and I am just as worth saving as the greatest Saint.
I think the program did as much for me as it did for our listeners.
Unfortunately we lost another choir member to sickness - Sierra had to sit out the concert. So Cliff bought giant bottles of vitamin C and charcoal tablets and coerced everyone to take them as a preventative measure. No one else is getting sick on this tour if Cliff can help it!
During the final leg of our journey to Goshen IN, Jordan entertained us with a reading of a Winnie-the-Pooh story, "In Which Eyore Has a Birthday and Gets Two Presents" (a traditional Laudate tour staple). We finished off the evening with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday sung and recorded for a friend.
Phoebe Beiler