Friday morning found us gathered together to begin our fourth day of rehearsal, each of us expressing varying levels of energy and vocal strength. Tired bodies and morning voices were quickly bolstered by the announcement of an early dismissal and a partially-free afternoon. The morning rehearsal hours quickly began yielding musical results as the early vocal fog began to clear. Pitches continued to be tuned and polished. Noontime found us served a scrumptious lunch pf lasagna and garlic bread. We began afternoon rehearsal greatly energized and refreshed.

As had been previously announced, rehearsal did indeed let out a bit early and the choir members ventured out in different directions for various activities of rest, recreation, and fun. 5:30 p.m. found us congregating at Cliff and Trina’s for a five-star meal experience of steak, shrimp, and roasted veggies (seriously, the Laudate experience is worth it just for the food). After some friendly competition betwixt the different vocal parts in matches of cornhole and bocce ball, we all headed back to our gracious hosts to get some much-needed rest in preparation for recording on Saturday. Quote of the day from our dear conductor (given during a frequent tenor/bass rivalry skirmish): “That advice is the kind you never need.”
Saturday. Recording day; ah, recording day. As we regrouped from our lodgings, we were welcomed by sound engineer Brad Zabelski’s gentle smile and splendid microphones. Recording days can be very taxing, but Brad’s calm competence always eases the stress. This day was no different.
After a tentative start, we gathered momentum—storming through seven songs before lunch. While singing is perhaps the best activity known to mankind, it is intensely demanding to bring one’s mind, body, and spirit to the task for extended periods of time. Joy through toil, we’ll call it. Ken kindly coaxed us through the process. A true artist—a lover of the good, true, and beautiful—he shepherded us though this work and worship.

Kristin’s glorious chicken wraps (they deserve an even more honorific name) strengthened us for the afternoon recording. By three-thirty, we were finished. Finished!
A few celebratory chocolate-covered strawberries later, we scattered. Some shopped, some mini-golfed, some rested on the seventh day. A feast of pizza met our appetites in the evening.
After supper and a singers-turned-hornet-exterminators expedition, some of us headed out to golf and disc golf. (So Much Golf in this day.) In late evening, a few choir members lingered long enough to listen to a few of the audio tracks laid down that day. What did they sound like? You could subscribe to our YouTube channel to find out.
Also, please do join us on Sunday evening, July 26th for our 6:30 EST live stream.
Livestream link:
We love this music and would be delighted to share it with you. We hope you too will find hope and healing in these songs.
Keny Stoltzfus and Karl Zimmerman