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First Programs and Yellow Seats

Jared & Charlene Miller

Sunday, July 22nd

A new day has dawned and for the members of Laudate it means more singing. However, the focus today is slightly different than it has been the previous 4 days. We have worked hard and learned much. Over the course of learning these songs we have gradually begun to realize the potential of these songs to minister to our hearts and to the hearts of many other people. The message contained within these pieces of music is one of hope, peace and joy. Such a message can only stay contained for so long. Eventually it must either die or be spread abroad for the world to hear. It is to the purpose of spreading abroad that we have striven today.

We gave our first program at Bethel Christian Fellowship this morning. The singing went well and the message seemed to be well received. We were grateful to the people at Bethel for allowing us to come share with them. Of course we faced the normal first program glitches, but we lifted up the name of our creator to the best of our abilities anyway.

After a delicious lunch planned by Glannete Smucker (former Laudate member and loyal fan), we hurried off to meet with our bus and offically get tour underway. We gathered at Pequea and Lavelle Beiler met us there with the bus. Upon boarding we were greeted by the sight of a many yellow seats. This isn't just any ordinary yellow color, but rather it's the kind of yellow that will always be rivetted in our minds. I'm sure we will affectionately remember Laudate tour whenever we see a similar color in the future.

Our second program was given in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We were blessed to have a good showing of family and friends from quite a distance join us for the evening. Their enthusiasm in receiving the program was inspiring as well.

Laudate Tour 2018
Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Concert

In repeating these songs over and over I have begun to recognize a profound relationship between the love of God and the peace of God. So many of these pieces speak of the peace of God coming to us through the perfect unfailing love of our Savior. It requires repentance and a willingness on my part to allow God to work. The results are a peace that is indescribably unwavering and unaffected by the circumstances around us. I am very grateful that God grants us access to his peace by loving us so unconditionally, and I plan to go and spread this message abroad as we continue on tour.

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